Frequently Asked Questions

Does TC Communications offer Single Mode devices?

Yes. TC Communications offers a single mode version of every product.

What type or size of fiber optic cable do I need?

TC Communications' products work with all types and sizes of fiber optic cable. Because the type and size of fiber optic cable can affect transmission distances, it is a good idea to verify the type and size of your fiber optic cable BEFORE ordering a connectivity device.

If I need a special product, can TC Communications build me something special?

The answer is frequently "yes." In many situations, TC can modify connectors, increase loss budgets, etc. to meet a customer's needs. Each situation must be individually examined. The feasibility of customizing an order often depends on the amount of Engineering time required and the size of the order.

Does TC offer conformal coating?

Yes. Conformal coating, a protective silicone elastoplastic coating, is typically applied to the surface of the printed circuit board (PCB). It protects the circuitry from a variety of potentially hostile elements including dust, corrosion, humidity, mold, etc.

What does Loss Budget mean?

For a given fiber optic device, this is the difference between launch power and receiver sensitivity.

What type of fiber optic connectors should I use?

ST connectors are most commonly used for communications applications.

Where can I obtain manuals for TC Communications products?

Manuals are available for each JumboSwitch product in portable document format (PDF) on our Support Site. For additional manual(s), contact your sales representative or TC Communications Customer Support:
Phone: +1-949-852-1972

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