Accessories Chassis Rack Mount Card Cages (JumboSwitch Only)

JumboSwitch chassis options include 1U, 2U and 4U which holds up to one management card and up to seven interface cards. There are also standalone options available with wall mounting options.

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1U JumboSwitch Card Cage (TCRM199)

The TCRM199 Card Cage 1U chassis is 19" wide and holds one Main/Management Combo Card and one interface card. The TCRM199i holds one or two interface cards.

1S/2S JumboSwitch Card Cage (TCSD11-1/2)

The TCSD11-1/2 JumboSwitch 1S & 2S standalone/wall-mount chassis are designed to hold JumboSwitch family cards. The 1S chassis holds one interface card. The 2S chassis holds one Main/Management card and one interface card.

2U JumboSwitch Card Cage (TCRM198)

The TCRM198 JumboSwitch 2U rack mount cage is designed to hold JumboSwitch family hot-swappable cards. It holds one Main, one Management and two interface cards.

4U JumboSwitch Card Cage (TCRM197)

The TCRM197 JumboSwitch 4U rack mount cage is designed to hold JumboSwitch family hot-swappable cards. It holds one Main, one Management and up to seven interface cards.