For today's critical/industrial applications, minimal latency and high availability are vital for reliable operation day in and day out. Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) over IP/Ethernet solutions make it possible to integrate legacy devices over a modern IP network. As a result, you can uphold and maintain the critical performance requirements of legacy devices while taking advantage of the flexibility and operational benefits of a modern network backbone. In other words, TDM over IP is the smart solution for migrating analog network equipment across today's modern IP networks.
TC Communications specializes in technology that bridges the gap between legacy devices and modern networks via interfaces including RS-232/RS-422/RS-485, 600-ohm analog radio, dry contact, T1/E1, T3/E3, C37.94, 2/4-wire and others.
Easily integrate your legacy network devices
System/Grid protection
Protective relays commonly utilize RS-232/RS-422 and RS-485 interfaces. Often times, customers have channel banks from a SONET network they are looking to replace, or leased lines through telcos where the protective relays are connected by leased line modems. Our products have been proven in low latency applications for utilities to extend the useful life of protective relays for critical communications.
Rail communications
Communications networks are critical to safety for railyards. Fiber optics are becoming more widely used due to their weather resistance and throughput potential. Our products allow wayside interface units, GPS transmitters, vital controllers, RTUs and other devices to be connected over a single reliable network.
In this deployment the customer replaced their copper infrastructure with fiber and upgraded to JumboSwitch to connect their RS-232 and RS-485 serial vital controllers over a single network platform making it more simple to operate and maintain.
Integrating SCADA
Serial interfaces on SCADA devices are common. As operational networks evolve for increased visibility, bandwidth and security, our products allow you to integrate existing SCADA devices with modern networks.
In this deployment the customer installed a redundant self-healing ring to connect their entire SCADA network adding redundancy and simplifying the deployment.
System migration with voter comparator and analog radios
Many public safety networks rely on analog voters to monitor multiple remote sites with analog radios and consoles throughout their service territory. Forklift upgrades to this type of analog system come with significant capital investment in new hardware and time investments for training and support staff.
Jumboswitch® allows you to seamlessly integrate these analog devices over an existing or new IP/MPLS or Carrier Ethernet backbone. Our products allow you to connect 600 ohm analog and dry contacts from the radio receivers at each tower as well as hand off voter/comparator signals for the clearest radio signal from the field radios to the intercom.
In this deployment the customer replaced a leased backhaul with private fiber and retained all other radio, receiver and voter hardware resulting in a low cost, reliable and rapid upgrade.
Learn more about Enhanced Audio through Analog Radio over IP in this technical write-up.
Public address system
Public address systems are common in city, state and government buildings and campuses which can be difficult and costly to replace. Our products allow you to easily integrate the endpoint devices of these systems with a modern IP/Ethernet network, saving time and cost to deploy.
In this deployment the customer replaced their leased backhaul with private Ethernet while retaining the existing infrastructure of their public address system saving cost and time to deploy.
Call centers and office buildings can have large quantities of telephony infrastructure. Our products allow you to retain phones, PBXs, data modems, fax machines and other devices over modern network backhaul while removing dated less reliable copper infrastructure. This also paves the way for full IP telephony upgrades as an intermediate step to a full IP telephony migration by spreading deployment costs over time and minimizing interruption of business services.
Metering applications
Meters are used for a multitude of monitoring and reporting purposes and can have thousands of connections to networks in some cases. Modern networks can allow greater bandwidth but replacing all meters can be costly. Our products bridge the gap allowing customers to retain their meters and leverage all of their meter data over high bandwidth networks.
In this deployment the customer replaced a leased network with high a high bandwidth private JumboSwitch ring adding bandwidth and redundancy.
Many T1/E1 channel banks are nearing end of life and carriers are offering more cost efficient and scalable leased services including carrier Ethernet and IP/MPLS. Our products streamline the transition to modern leased services while retaining your existing devices. Our plug and play design simplifies operations and maintenance and deployment allowing a cost effective, reliable transition.
In this deployment the customer upgraded their leased service to Carrier Ethernet while utilizing JumboSwitch to connect and retain the existing endpoint hardware saving cost and time to deploy.
Case Studies

Multi-County Public Safety Agency upgrades Microwave Radio Network
Faced with diminishing equipment reliability and weak vendor support, a public safety communications network in Iowa required a system-wide replacement to keep police, fire and emergency first-responders connected. Using TC Communications' JumboSwitch® Multi-service Ethernet Platform, the agency achieved Ethernet port limiting, management and self-healing redundancy, and improved audio quality and network management.
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ESRN eliminates leased line costs
For East Shore Radio Network (ESRN), implementing a cost-effective and future-proof solution to eliminate their leased line costs was critical. TC Communications helped the company to fully integrate existing equipment while improving audio quality.
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Paraguay Power chooses JumboSwitch as a lower cost alternative to SONET/SDH
The National Power Company of Paraguay (ANDE) requirements for the new communications system were rigorous. It needed to support teleprotection relay circuit latency requirements of less than 12 msec. (round trip), provide E1 connectivity to PBXs located at two substations, and enable dedicated POTS service with PBX capability to all nodes. The solution that fulfilled all of ANDE's requirements was the JumboSwitch Multi-service Ethernet Platform.
Read the full caseLiterature
TDM over IP/Ethernet Implementation in JumboSwitch
Packet-switched networks (PSN) have become a ubiquitous transport technology for multiple communications services and industries over a unified infrastructure. TDM over IP/Ethernet benefits carriers and customers by enabling data and voice services over carrier infrastructure while enabling enterprises to run voice, video and data over a single network thereby minimizing network maintenance and operating costs. In this white paper you'll uncover a step by step methodology and key pitfalls to avoid in an implementation of TDM over IP/Ethernet on a gigabit-speed platform.
Read the full white paperAdvantages of Ethernet vs. SONET/SDH
With data requirements inundating network traffic, legacy voice-centric SONET/SDH platforms no longer offer viable or cost-effective backbone solutions. Future network deployments will be dominated by Ethernet and simplified by the inevitable blurring of the boundaries between LANs, MANs, WANs and Industrial networks.
Read the full white paper