Channel Bank Replacement Solutions

Flexible and robust replacements for traditional channel banks

In the evolving landscape of telecommunications, channel banks, once a staple, now face obsolescence and lack of support due to many manufacturers exiting the market. TC Communications offers cutting-edge solutions to replace these outdated systems, ensuring seamless and modern communication infrastructure.

Our product range includes JumboSwitch for customers who wish to replace their channel banks with an IP/Ethernet based solution. For replacing channel banks with a T1/E1 solution, we offer the JumboBank for complete T1/E1 replacement and Mini Channel Bank for low density interfaces at remote sites. These products provide a flexible and robust replacement for traditional channel banks, leveraging modern transport networks to maintain and enhance communication capabilities.

Replacement Solutions

Connect existing analog phone and serial interfaces over a T1 or E1 network. The Mini Channel Bank is designed for use in systems requiring a low density of interface ports, with units offering one, two, or four ports being available. Mini Channel Bank can be used in two key configurations.

In a bookended channel bank solution using two Mini Channel Bank devices, the interfaces on one device are transported over the T1/E1 line to the other device. Full remote troubleshooting and alarm monitoring is provided by our R2 button and 'Trouble Shooting at a Glance' LED suite.

In a channel bank gateway solution, for devices such as digital dispatchers which utilize T1/E1, a single Mini Channel Bank device can be deployed to provide a T1/E1 gateway full troubleshooting and alarm monitoring through our 'Troubleshooting at a Glance' LED suite.

The JumboBank is a modern equivalent to the conventional channel bank. Allowing the user to select from a wide range of interface cards, the JumboBank can be used either as a bookended solution or as a gateway. When used to transport interfaces from different sites, the various mounting options can be utilized to ensure that the provided solution is space and cost efficient.

When using the JumboBank as a bookended solution, multiple interfaces can be transported over single or multiple T1s provided on the JumboBank. Setup is simple and is done using our "tap and twist" digital knob and the JumboBank has a full suite of troubleshooting and alarms through our R2 button and our 'Troubleshooting at a Glance' LEDs. In addition to having access to multiple T1s for the various interfaces, with the use of an additional T1 card, all T1s may be made fully redundant.

The JumboBank can also be used as a gateway solution. Interfaces can be mapped onto single or multiple T1s and this provides dynamic flexibility for the replacement of channel banks in this configuration. Full 'Troubleshooting at a Glance' functionality is provided to ensure ease of use as well as our single-knob "twist and tap" setup.

While replacement of channel banks is often due to support or obsolescence issues, a very common reason for replacement is due to the replacement of the T1/E1 links with a more modern Ethernet/IP network; and for this, TC Communications has JumboSwitch.

The JumboSwitch is a mission-critical, Ethernet/IP-based solution with the widest range of interfaces available in the industry. The JumboSwitch allows any interface port to connect to any other similar interface port anywhere in the system. Setup is simple using the inbuilt GUI and monitoring can be done either through the GUI or our dedicated NMS TCView. Mission-critical functionality and as with all TC Communications products, alarm monitoring and troubleshooting is provided with our 'Troubleshooting at a Glance' functionality.

Connectivity is achieved by assigning the interface cards unique IP addresses, then connecting the ports to the other similar ports via unique UDP ports associated with the destination IP addresses as shown in the diagram. The JumboSwitch allows any port to be connected to any other similar port in the network simply and reliably.


Channel banks are telecommunications devices that multiplex and demultiplex multiple voice and data signals onto a single digital transmission line, converting analog signals to digital using Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) and combining them via Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). They use interchangeable interface cards for flexibility and compatibility with various transmission lines like T1 and E1. Channel banks facilitate efficient voice and data integration, support legacy systems, and are widely used in Wide Area Networks (WANs). While essential in the past, modern solutions like TC Communications' JumboSwitch, JumboBank, and Mini Channel Bank offer advanced features, ensuring continued support and enhancement of communication networks.

TC Communications has a number of options for customers looking to replace their existing channel banks with either an Ethernet/Ip or T1/E1 based solution.

Technology High Channel Count Low Channel Count
T1/E1 JumboBank Mini Channel Bank
Ethernet/IP JumboSwitch JumboSwitch

For those who prefer to retain their existing network while updating their channel bank, the JumboBank offers a reliable solution with various rack options and the capability of redundant T1 card operation.

For smaller scale needs, the Mini Channel Bank is designed for lower density interfaces and single-card operation. Each of these products is built to meet mission-critical requirements, featuring solid state design, redundant power supplies, hot swappable cards, and a wide temperature range, ensuring reliability and efficiency in diverse operating conditions. To explore these innovative solutions further, visit our website or contact us directly.

JumboSwitch is ideal for clients looking to migrate to an Ethernet network, offering impressive flexibility with multiple interface cards and chassis options which allow for both high and low channel counts at respective sites.