
Belize's BECOL on JumboSwitch

To Whom It May Concern:

Subject: JumboSwitch Performance Letter

Belize Electric Company Limited (BECOL) owns and operates three hydroelectric stations namely Chalillo, Mollejon, and Vaca. BECOL is one of three principal producers of electricity in the Country of Belize. We currently use TC Communications JumboSwitch as our primary Ethernet transport connecting these facilities.

BECOL currently has 3 4U TC Communications JumboSwitches installed combining multiple uses of the TC3840 series including: 3 TC3847-'J for our serial communication of our protection and data logger system, 8 TC3841 for Ethernet communication to all facilities of our network database, SCADA and soon our security cameras, and 2TC3848-2 and 3 TC3848-1 for our direct hotlink between generating stations and external phone network.

TC Communications JumboSwitch provides excellent performance; we have had minor issues, which were addressed by TC Technical support staff in a timely manner. The trainers representing TC were excellent; our trained staff went from having little or no experience in networking to setting up virtual lan and Hotlinks, and completing any configuration on the TC JumboSwitch via a user friendly GUI interface.

Network may be small but it is critical for this reason we chose TC JumboSwitch, and would highly recommend its products and services to any potential customer.


Stephen Usher

Vice President of Operations

Belize Electric Company Limited