The TC3200s/TC3007s have worked flawlessly. We installed them about two weeks after receiving them from you. They have functioned perfectly all through out both the severe weather season and hurricane season. We even had an incident over the summer where our cooling unit failed at the radar transmitter site and the interior temperature went up to approximately 130 degrees for about 24 hours before we found it. Believe it or not our TC3200, which is located there also, continued to function as we never lost communications with the local computer even though the radar transmitter shut itself down. The TC3007s fiber duplex mode worked great over our single mode 17km fiber. (As you remember we were somewhat concerned about this since other manufacturers had problems in this area.) In fact we found that upon installation it was necessary to attenuate the single mode fiber by 10db to insure adequate headroom. Consequently, I suspect we could run the SM link quite a bit further if needed.
I have passed all the information on your fiber communications products along to Barron Services (the company who manufactures our radar system) and recommended that should they have customers with a need for fiber connection they should seriously consider your system based upon our experience. Barrons has told me that they intend to recommend your products to their customers in the future.
Thanks again for your assistance in designing this solution for us. Everyone here has been pleased with the quality and reliability of your products. I'm sure we will continue to keep your products in mind as new needs arise.
The TC3200 mentioned above has been updated with the TC3212.
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