
Massachusetts' All-Comm on TC8000s

I wanted to take a moment to offer my sincere thanks to you for all your assistance and guidance in the implementation of the many TC Communications fiber optics solutions we have completed.

We have utilized the TC Communications TC8005 Series Fiber Optic units in several projects with a high degree of success. The reliability, affordability and dependability of the TC Communications equipment provides superior value. It offers our clients a robust fiber optics interface solution to the connectivity issues required of the mission critical radio communications systems we provide.

In the northeast our heavy dependency on third party leased lines has created a serious reliability issue when using these copper circuits due to the age and lack of upgrade and maintenance in their infrastructure. Service interruptions and continuity issues are quite common with these leased circuits and pose a threat to public safety when the radio system fails due to these lines faltering.

Since we started using TC Communications equipment we now have a very dependable, cost effective solution for connectivity using the fiber optic networks available to our customers.

The TC Communications equipment has allowed us to insure that the emergency radio communications systems we deploy have reliable, cost effective connectivity.

Paul B. Boudreau